But in the beginning of April 2013 the time came for me to go
and I said goodbye.
Then I got to see my parents briefly
and then said goodbye.
Then I got to see some of my closest friends, Jen and Jon Newsham
and meet their daughter Olivia
and then said goodbye.
Then I traveled to Africa and visited my brother and sister-in-law
and reacquainted myself with my sweet nephews
and made some new friends
and then said goodbye.
Then I went to a mission leadership conference and reconnected with some old friends
and made some new friends
and then said goodbye.
No wonder I am emotionally reeling. My initial loss and grief of saying goodbye to people and places close to my heart has been compounded 4 times over.
No wonder I suddenly feel like bursting into tears at times. No wonder I feel somewhat reluctant to reconnect with people around me. No wonder I feel so drained.
I truly am happy for all the time I've had visiting people whom I dearly love. And I am happy to be in Portland and reconnect with friends and family.
It is true that I am happy. And it is true that I am sad. But in order to fully embrace the joys that come from entering an new phase in life, I must first experience the sadness and grieve.
I'm not exactly sure what that will look like.